
Across Aisles, Sectors and Borders

We are tackling many issues from outside the industry and from within the art industry itself.  Grounded by our  experiences, we try to maximize our ability to effect change by bringing together real-world solutions, policy expertise, sustainable business models and collaborative partnerships.    

Grounded in Education
Classical skills and training are at the heart of our beliefs. Visual art is visual. We believe artists will be better minimalists after receiving maximum training along the way. We are proud to sponsor New Synergies College of Fine Art in pursuit of this objective.

Business Insights

Since all advertising is based upon art and illustration, we're applying our artistic expertise to help businesses make artistic decisions about their advertising and incentive programs.  

Partnering with Communities
Many communities turn to art tourism to replace other sectors of their economies that are no longer thriving.  It is not enough to spend money on advertising. The art community must be integrated with commercial facilities to have an effective impact. We can help.

The Next Generation

We are listening to and collaborating with the young, future and emerging artists who are coming of age and demanding a different path forward.  


What Makes Us Who We Are

tradition education action
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