
Helping artists become successful entrepreneurs depends on steady, reliable support from committed donors like you.

Select A Monthly Amount

Together, we can find a way to create a more inclusive future between artists and the business community. With perceptions like 'starving artists' and 'I could do that' more pervasive than ever, we need your support to ensure we’re always ready to promote our profession when and where it’s needed most. Tackling these misconceptions takes on-going action; action that cannot happen without steady, reliable support from dedicated patrons like you.

The Most Effective Way to Give













































Your ongoing support as a dedicated monthly donor is the best way to ensure your generous contributions can do the most good for you and our mission.



Your gifts are processed automatically, giving you peace of mind that you are making a steady difference.



You are in control and can make changes to your account at any time.



Recurring gifts allow more of your support to go to local programs

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With your generous recurring gift you will receive our basic member package that includes free or discounted tickets to our events, free issues of our quarterly magazine; our bi-monthly newsletter,  and discounts on our educational videos, books and workshops. 
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Give With Confidence

The Art Preservation Institute uses your donations carefully and effectively. You can feel confident that your contributions are processed through secure servers via our respected partners.